CME on Shallaki

On 26.09.2017, a CME on the miraculous effects of Shallaki in the field of Ayurveda was conducted in our auditorium, organized by GUFIC Herbals. The chairperson for the above said CME was our Principal Dr. Ramadas Maganti, and the speakers were Dr. P.K. Moharana, HOD, Dept. of Roganidana, SJSACH and Dr. P.A. Sudhir, HOD, Dept. of Shalakyatantra, SJSACH. Dr. Moharana presented his views on the subject “Redefining Ayurvedic approach in the management of arthritis” and Dr. Sudhir explained the treatment and management of arthritis in ayurvedic aspect with some examples of real cases of patients witnessed by him. This was followed by a video by GUFIC herbals explaining about their company, after which there was a brief lecture on the same by our Principal Dr. Ramadas Maganti.